Giving to support Taunton Minster

Your help in support of Taunton Minster through time, talent and treasure would be very much appreciated. It is through this giving that the mission and ministry of the Minster can both continue and expand.

Donate – Financial Gifts

Please use the secure online giving portal below (which includes the opportunity to GiftAid your donation, thus increasing its value by 25%) and also to give on a monthly basis:

Giving – Regularly

We would be very pleased to provide details of how to give regularly by Standing Order. To do so, please contact: [email protected].

Legacies – Enabling the Minster for Future Generations

By leaving a legacy to the church we can often give more than we are able to during our lifetime. It may be a personal memorial or a gift of thanks that will live on through the influence of the church on the lives of others.

Please consider leaving a legacy to THE MAGDALENE LEGACY FUND ~ A Gift for the Future to help with the long-term task of preserving our beautiful Grade I listed Minster church and supporting its ever widening ministry.

BROOMHEAD & SAUL of 11 Hammet Street, Taunton, our church solicitors, have generously offered to prepare a Codicil free of charge for a legacy to Taunton Minster.
Please contact Andrew Lewis on 01823 288121 or e-mail [email protected] to arrange an appointment and to discuss your wishes.

Volunteering – Giving of Time & Talent

The Minster’s mission and ministry is driven and provided almost entirely by volunteers. Each person has individual gifts—and we would love to discover yours and help them flourish by being a part of the many facets of Minster life. Here are just some of the opportunities through which you can find fellowship, fun and fulfilment:


Our Weekday Welcome Team give a warm “welcome” to all those who enter the Minster’s doors on weekdays between 1pm and 3pm. The team is made up of those that love meeting people, or have a knowledge and interest in the architecture and history of the building, or those that have a love of God and enjoy welcoming people into his church.

Our visitors come from all walks of life: locals, tourists visiting the area, those that come to pray in the Chapel, perhaps light a candle for a loved one, visit our Gifts & Books Shop, spending time in the Coffee Shop enjoying a delicious lunch, watching our peregrine falcons, studying the architecture or maybe just to come and chat.

We meet as a team from time to time over tea and cake. If you’re interested, please contact me either via email or in person after the Sunday services. Valerie Gaskell, Churchwarden.

The Serving Team

We have three servers on duty at each 10.00am Sunday service and we also serve at other special services during the year. Apart from our behind-the-scenes work before (making preparations) and after (clearing up!) each service, we lead the formal procession of the choir and ministry team. We serve at the Communion table (hence our name!) and assist the clergy during the service. We usually wear a simple white full-length robe (an ‘alb’) as our ‘uniform’. Serving is a calm, reverent and fulfilling ministry.

With a growing team, duties are spread between everyone which means that the commitment is once or twice each month. We’d love to hear from you and for you to come and share in this important ministry. Please contact the verger for much more information.


Our bellringers are an enthusiastic band of volunteers with ages from 15 to over 70. Our main purpose is to ring the bells to call people to worship on Sundays (0915 to 1000) but we ring to celebrate national and local events too, such as the Queen’s jubilee and weddings. We practise and socialise together on Wednesday evenings (from 1800 for the less experienced and 1930 for the more advanced). We are always pleased to welcome visiting ringers and to receive enquiries from anybody about learning to ring. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact the Tower Captain, Pen Hooper by email or telephone 01823 332460.

Magdalene’s Coffee Shop

Gifts & Books Shop

Flower Team

The Choir (both children, young people and adults)

Instrumentalists (particularly to support our fledging worship band)

Children & Young People