Tekna (Junior Church & Crèche)
The name Tekna comes from the Greek word for children.
We meet each Sunday morning in church where the children join the congregation at the start of the 10am service.
There are various activities planned for them which happen either in the coffee shop area or in the upper room. The children are welcomed back for the communion and the blessing at the end of the service. Children up to 11 years of age are very welcome.
Voice PC
Voice PC is our youth group for those in school years 7-13. Our focus is on building relationships, seeking to love Jesus, learning more about him, and most importantly have a lot of fun along the way! We meet from on Fridays at 7.45pm.
Choristers and Young People’s Friday Evening Groups
Here is a short video clip to introduce our Choristers and Young People’s Friday Evening Groups, recorded by Scarlett (Head Chorister 2020-2021).