‘Just a Bite’ Mothers’ Union

‘Just a Bite’ Mothers’ Union started meeting monthly in February 2013 in the coffee shop area of the church.  We usually have prayers, a speaker and finish with tea and cake. Occasionally we have worship services in church and do some fund raising activities, such as, Bring & Buy table, Mad Hatters Party, etc. 

We support MU projects such as the holiday scheme “Away From It All” which offers a break to those going through adversity and stress. We contribute to our local church family life as needs arise, e.g. bean bags, activity bags for children, books as Christening gifts, Families First Magazine subscriptions, knitting for the local hospital and making Welsh cakes! We warmly welcome all: male or female, married or single, widowed or divorced, as long as they support the aims and objectives of the organisation.

Mothers' Union - Christian care for families