December 15th, 2024, The Minster Communion
The Minster Communion
You can view the service via this livestream link.
(You don’t need a Facebook account.)
President: The Reverend Tobie Osmond
Preacher: The Reverend Jamie Fox
Deacon: Valerie Gaskell
Reader: Cheryl Brikett
Intercessor: Richard Austin
Music Director: Miles Quick
Organist: Andrew Carter
Epistle: Philippians 4:4-7
Gospel: Luke 3:7-18
Hymns: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus; Advent Hymn verses 1-3; From Heaven you came;Hail to Lords Anointed; Hark the Glad Sound
Pre service Voluntary: The Fourth Pavan and Gilliard William Byrd a Faancie
Organ Voluntary: Now Come Saviour of the Gentiles BWV 661 – J.S, Bach