December 8th, 2024, The Minster Communion
The Minster Communion
You can view the service via this livestream link.
(You don’t need a Facebook account.)
President: The Reverend Louise Bale
Preacher: The Reverend Tobie Osmond
Reader: Julia Trigg
Intercessor: Valarie Gaskell
Music Director: John Bodiley
Organist: Miles Quick
Epistle: Philippians 1:3-11
Gospel: Luke 3:1-6
Hymns: Hark,A Thrilling Voice is Sounding; Advent Carol Vs 1,2; On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist Cry; From the Squalor (Immanuel); Hills of the North Rejoice
Anthem: Rejoice in the lord always
Pre service Voluntary: Grave & Adagio from Sonata No.2- Mendelssohn
Organ Voluntary: Allegro & Maestoso From Sonata no.2 – Mendelssohn