The Second Sunday before Advent

The Minster Communion

19 November 2023, 10.00am

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President: The Reverend Tobie Osmond Vicar
Preacher: The Venerable Simon Hill Archdeacon of Taunton
Deacon: Dean Hallett Ministry Training Placement
Reader: Susan Whitehead
Intercessor: Dean Hallett
Organist: Andrew Carter FRCO, LRAM, ARCM
Director of Music: Miles Quick
Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Gospel: Matthew 25.14-30
Hymns: Immortal, invisible, God only wise; Help us, O Lord, to learn
Hymns: Brother, sister, let me serve you; Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
Anthem: Come my Way, my Truth, my Life R Vaughan Williams