The Fifth Sunday of Lent

The Minster Communion

17 March 2024, 10.00am

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President: The Reverend Tobie Osmond Vicar
Preacher: The Reverend Louise Bale Curate
Deacon: The Reverend Jamie Fox Curate
Reader: Margaret Allen
Intercessor: Richard Austin
Organist: Andrew Carter FRCO, LRAM, ARCM
Director of Music: Miles Quick
Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Gospel: John 12:20-33
Hymns: Lift high the cross; How deep the Father’s love for us
Hymns: Like a mighty river flowing; Praise to the Holiest in the height
Anthem: Lord, for Thy tender mercy’s sake John Hilton, the elder (1560–1608)