Environment & The Minster

Taunton Minster is continuing its drive to care for God’s earth in response to the environmental challenge facing the whole world. Here, you can find out what is happening and take part.

As part of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, we are keen to support its environment policy, which includes exploring the Eco Church programme, led by a small environmental task force.

Eco Church at Taunton Minster

At Taunton Minster, we are exploring all five areas of caring for God’s earth:

  • Worship and teaching – for example, prayer, liturgy, children’s groups, bible study materials, outdoor worship, preaching, special services, seasons, youth groups, hymns and songs
  • Management of church buildings – for example, sustainable church buildings, insulation, smart heating controls, renewable tariffs, double glazing, draughts, LEDs, water, recycling, cleaning products, travel, solar power
  • Management of church land – for example, biodiversity in the churchyard, wildlife surveys, bugs, bats, hedgehogs, birds, lichen, trees, wildflowers, mowing, chemicals, graves, composting
  • Community and global engagement – for example, working with other churches in Taunton, inviting speakers, working with local groups on common causes, litter picking, green events, campaigning, Fairtrade, overseas links
  • Lifestyle – each of us can think about our carbon footprints, recycling, waste, plastics, ethical investment, travel, shopping, LOAF meals, an ethical diet, switching to renewable energy.

We have started to complete the A Rocha Eco Church questionnaire, leading to bronze, silver and gold standards.

Taunton Minster Environmental Task Force

A small task force is taking forward the drive to care for God’s earth in the life of the church.  The Environmental Officer is Nicola Johnson and any church member is welcome to join the group – there is plenty to do!

The group usually meets monthly in the coffee shop, usually on a Saturday morning. At present the main focus is in supporting the preparations for an upcoming eco art installation.  Other activities include:

  • Assessing our current position and progress against the Eco Church standards
  • Promoting care for the environment through planning church events such as Creationtide in the autumn
  • Communicating ideas for church involvement through the monthly magazine ‘Together’ and the weekly ‘Today’ sheet.

Your input is important, so do get in touch and get involved!

The group can be contacted through the Minster Office: [email protected] or 01823 272441.

Also, you can use the form below and we will get back to you soon.

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