Exhibition: Souls of Our Shoes

Monday 26 February ~ Friday 8 March

Souls of Our Shoes – a Journey into and out of Domestic Abuse

This powerful exhibition consists of sixty pairs of shoes, each with a quote from a victim of domestic violence.

It is organised by the Diocese of Bath and Wells Mothers’ Union and is coming to the Minster with viewing during normal opening times.


On average two women every week are killed by a partner or ex-partner in England and Wales. The ‘Souls of our Shoes – A journey into and out of Domestic Abuse’, aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse and highlight the impact it has on families.

The exhibition has been designed and organised by the Mothers’ Union. It is being used in a variety of diocesan and parish contexts to draw attention to the issue of domestic violence. The display features shoes of all different styles, sizes, and colour. Each contains a comment from those who have walked away from abuse and those who have journeyed with them.

Madeline Hellier, Diocesan President of the Mothers’ Union in Bath and Wells says, “The exhibition is designed to draw attention to the fact that domestic violence is going on. Most people think it’s not going on in their street, with people they work with, or believe it can’t possibly happen to people they know, but the collection of shoes is designed to make people become more aware. To recognise it can happen to anyone, anywhere. It has some really powerful messages which will make people stop and think, so that somehow, together, we can help break the cycle of abuse.”

The exhibition was created by the Mothers’ Union in Scotland. It is an extension of the Union’s initiatives to highlight abuse, and the practical and prayerful support that is offered to families. It is hoped the exhibition can “provide a reminder that with timely help, many can escape from their abusive situations, rebuild their confidence and live in safety”.